
Kilgraston School Trust - in sequestration (“the School”)

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Celebrating 90 years of Kilgraston

Celebrating 90 years of Kilgraston

We had big plans for our 90th anniversary, however, due to Covid-19 these plans were put on hold. However, we are still going to celebrate in a socially distanced, safe way!

To celebrate our 90th anniversary, we are holding a virtual picnic on Wednesday 24th June which will feature speeches from Mrs MacGinty and Tim Hall, our Chair of Governors who is stepping down after 20 years. All our welcome to join to celebrate the School’s rich and vibrant history from the comfort of their own homes. Don’t forget the sausage rolls!

Alongside our virtual picnic, we are also selling beautiful hand designed and crafted bone china mugs which are one of kind, specially made for the this event. These can be purchased by contacting accounts@kilgraston.com and are £20.00 each.


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