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At the start of the new academic year 2019, Head of Kilgraston School Mrs Dorothy MacGinty writes about her excitement for the coming year...

A message from Mrs MacGinty at the start of the new academic year

The new school year is a time of excitement and anticipation, and not just for pupils. Head of Kilgraston School Mrs MacGinty looks forward to the new academic year.

“Kilgraston’s new Head Girl recently reflected on her arrival at the School: “Suddenly there was a whole new world to explore. I hope I can make the most of every moment of this year before I go on to the next stage of my journey.”

Making the most of every moment is indeed what our community is all about.

As this new academic year unfolds, I feel the familiar tingle of excitement, anticipation and yes, admittedly, slight nerves, about our journey ahead.

Like every adventure, planning is the key: ‘Have I packed the right equipment?’, ‘Did I remember to call that person?’, ‘Am I clear about the destination?’ and so on. Not every obstacle can be anticipated!

Just as vital is the ability to embrace new opportunities and challenges on the road ahead and these unknown quantities are what still give me such a thrill as we embark on the new academic year.

Your road ahead may well take an unexpected turn; learning to assess and explore are the essential qualities we instil in all pupils at Kilgraston.

Like a parachute, your mind only works when it is open. This is a good adage for everyone to remember; pupils, staff and even someone like myself who has been in the profession for many years.

Looking forward, evolving and developing new skills are all tasks that make me hungry for life. Meeting the needs of an ever-changing workplace is a constant challenge for those educating future generations; the statement: “Your career has probably not even been invented yet,” is often quoted and for a large percentage of pupils, it’s probably very accurate.

One’s road ahead is not an exact science but preparing well really is an essential foundation. Accordingly, I am delighted to announce that Kilgraston’s extensive Women and Business programme begins this month.

This initiative will involve an on-going schedule of high-profile industry experts visiting the School, sharing their experience and advice with senior pupils and giving valuable, first-hand, insight into front-line business. Additionally, useful links to the working arena will be created and who knows where these could lead. Always be open to opportunity.

Employers and universities are increasingly taking a holistic approach to the individual. One university admissions officer commented that: “It’s not enough just to be smart at top universities. Students must also show that they’ll be good classmates and community builders.”

Experience and so-called ‘soft skills’ can, these days, be on a par with hard-nosed academic qualifications; therefore, developing the whole character is an essential piece of equipment to have on your kit list.

Kilgraston recognises and nurtures these key personality ingredients. Recruiting additional members to our Outdoor Education team has ensured that we will be even better equipped for the coming year, regularly requiring girls to push their personal boundaries and explore the unexpected, in tandem with academic rigour.

As we set off together along the path through the new school year, let me wish each and every one of you a very ‘safe journey’. Remember to look where you have been, as well as to where you are heading, and don’t be afraid to stop and ask for directions if you need them!”

Mrs MacGinty

August 28 2019











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