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Kilgraston Parents’ Association

Maintaining good social communication in the interests of the parents, pupils and staff

The Kilgraston Parents Association (KPA) represents parents collectively and serves as a positive liaison between the parent body and the School.  The KPA’s main objectives are to provide an inclusive, welcoming community for all parents and pupils, as well as support school initiatives throughout the academic year. 

Welcome to the Kilgraston Parents Association.

Our Kilgraston Parents’ Association strives to harness the enthusiasm, support and skill of the parent body to benefit the School. The Kilgraston Parents Association (KPA) is volunteers and represent parents collectively, serving as a positive liaison between the parent body and the School.

The KPA’s predominant remit is to provide an inclusive, welcoming community for all parents and pupils, as well as support school initiatives throughout the academic year. This includes welcoming new families into the Kilgraston community and offering ongoing support to all. Kilgraston School is a unique place not just because of its idyllic rural setting, but due to its nurturing environment, pastoral care, high standard of teaching, inclusive community and combination of traditional values, faith and modern outlook. At Kilgraston, we celebrate every success.

The KPA plays an active role in supporting the school and bettering life at Kilgraston. It is involved in many aspects of Kilgraston life such as:-

· Arranging social events throughout the academic calendar for the children, parents and/ or wider Kilgraston Community. For example, on the last Friday of each month, during term time, the KPA host a “Coffee and Cake” meet up for all parents, staff, guardians, alumni and wider Kilgraston Community.
· Fundraising for the benefit of the school or other external charities
· Offering support and information to new and existing families. Kilgraston has a very strong parent community and each year group in the school now has a volunteer KPA representative who is there to pass on KPA news, arrange socials or advertise fundraising events, and generally help parents with any questions or issues they may be having.
· If requested by the school, the KPA will be in attendance at school events such as Open Days and induction day.
· To act, if necessary, as a liaison between the parents and school.
· It manages and runs the Nearly New Uniform shop which is located in the senior school. It offers high quality, second-hand uniform at affordable prices. The KPA also organises and sells the school house hoodies.

All current parents are automatically members of the KPA. As members of the KPA everyone is very welcome to join the KPA Committee. Committee meetings are held once a month where events, communications, funding projects, environmental sustainability issues, parent liaison work and our charity work are discussed. The KPA is currently working hard in consultation with the school, to explore and identify ways in which they can better communications, bring the Kilgraston community together and enhance fundraising efforts. The KPA works closely with the Headteacher and Senior Leadership Team to determine fundraising opportunities within Kilgraston as well as local charities.

A list of the dates the KPA Committee is meeting, as well as dates the nearly new shop is open and social/ fund raising events can be found on the KPA events page.

Chair Joanna Morris
Vice Chair Emma Stuart- Reid
Treasurer Karen Moran

If you would like additional information about the KPA or would like to get involved, please email kpa@kilgraston.com

Any questions about uniform or to arrange an appointment at the uniform shop please email nearlynewshop@kilgraston.com

The KPA Q1 newsletter is available to read here.