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Kilgraston pupils celebrate Chinese New Year

Kilgraston pupils celebrate Chinese New Year

One of the great privileges of having international students at Kilgraston is the opportunity to share traditions and culture from other countries. Just before half term, we were thrilled to celebrate the Lunar New Year across the Senior School as we transitioned from the Year of the Rabbit to the Year of the Dragon.  Our Chinese students, Jenny, Ava, Candy, Sofia and Naomi led a fascinating assembly on the origins of some of the traditions of New Year. We also learned that this year was not only the Year of the Dragon, the most auspicious of all the Chinese zodiac animals, but more specifically the Year of the Wood Dragon, the most creative and visionary of the dragons.

People born under this sign are thought to be the most creative and visionary of the dragons; they are optimistic, ambitious and adventurous; they like to explore new ideas and challenge themselves and they are also generous, compassionate and loyal to their friends. They sound just like our wonderful Kilgraston students!

To celebrate, we decorated the school building with beautiful lanterns, the ESOL corridor is bedecked with red and gold banners and bunting and on the last day before half term, the Senior School worked in Form Groups and produced wonderful crafts hung in Glass Square. Lower Fourth and Upper Fourth produced beautiful red banners bearing traditional New Year greetings in Chinese using black and gold ink, led by Naomi, Naia and Reny.  Lower Fifth and Upper Fifth created amazing traditional Chinese cut paper decorations made from red tissue paper, guided by Ava and Candy, and Lower Sixth and Upper Sixth produced a splendid dragon collage from a large sketch done by Eve and using a variety of materials such as tissue paper, beads, feathers, ribbon and a great deal of creativity and imagination.

We are already looking forward to next year’s celebration for January 29 2025 when we enter the Year of the Snake!

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