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Biology at Kilgraston

Biology at Kilgraston

Find out what makes Biology at Kilgraston so popular with our Head of Biology, Mrs O’Hear:

Biology the study of life …… how can you possibly not be interested in the study of organisms such as bacteria, naked mole rats and humans.

So if you come over to the science department at Kilgraston today or any other day, you will be greeted by a whole range of topics related to life from ‘Fit and Healthy’ in Upper Fourth where we learn about the individual body systems and the importance of maintaining physical health, social health AND mental health. To the study of Evolution at National 5 where we cover the process involved in the formation of new species (it’s called speciation if your interested).

Then in Higher Human Biology we look at ‘What happens at synapses?’ (the connections between our nerve cells) which actually allows us to think about thinking. At Advanced Higher we move into the wonderful world of ‘Parasitology’.

The study of biology at Kilgraston gives you plenty of opportunities to hone your critical thinking skill, as well as applying all you new knowledge to unfamiliar situations. It also allows you to enhance your creative side with plenty of tasks such as making interactive posters on infectious diseases, producing animations on phagocytosis, presenting on genetic disorders and making 3D models of specialised cells.

So next time you need to know which hormone is required to increase the sugar in your blood then just ask one of the Upper Fifth – it’s glucagon if your wondering.

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