
Kilgraston School Trust - in sequestration (“the School”)

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KPA Summer Fair 2023

KPA Summer Fair 2023

Kilgraston Sports Hall was recently transformed into a bustling hive of stalls and entertainment for the KPA Summer Fair. With a bouncy castle and the odd bag of sweets or two, attendees meandered amongst the stands. The booths were a mixture of local businesses such as Pop Fox Interiors and pupils own business such as Lower Four’s Connie who made over £150 for the stables with her book sale.

Outside Kilgraston’s Equestrian team and ponies, led by manager, Alasdair Matheson, were kept busy with the queue of excited children looking for a pony ride. Inside, after the paninis had sold out and the crowds were treated to entertainment from Mike’s Magic Show.

Thank you to the Kilgraston staff who helped with the set-up, to all the stall holders and businesses for their support and to the KPA committee.

May 2023

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